Some bon mots, vignettes and quick hits from the just-completed election season:
· Did Mayor Frimark really spend a good part of Election Day encouraging people to visit an anti-Schmidt website while in the same breath stating that he doesn’t condone that sort of thing?
· Didn’t anybody ever tell Frimark’s political propagandist, Linda “Linda Ski” Szczepanski, that sour grapes (i.e., claiming Schmidt ran “a negative race”) make for bad whine?
· Speaking of sour grapes, Wednesday’s Park Ridge Journal quotes a “shocked” Frimark thusly: “[Schmidt] put out four negative pieces portraying me as a crook.” After looking at all four of those pieces, we think “ethically challenged” would be more accurate than “crook.”
· Speaking of ethical challenges, how will newly-elected Park Board Commissioner Richard Brandt avoid a conflict of interest in connection with the District’s relationship with the Service Employees International Union that effectively sponsored Brandt’s candidacy?
· Did Rosemary Mulligan really tell some Maine Twp. Republicans Tuesday night that newly-elected mayors Marty Moylan (Des Plaines) and Dave Schmidt (Park Ridge) are Daley plants who will try to turn their respective communities into “Chicago’s 51st Ward”?
· Speaking of more sour grapes from Frimark (also as reported by The Journal): “The city of Park Ridge, you’ll have to deal with him.” Wasn’t Frimark referring to all things Park Ridge using the term “we’ll” just a few days ago?
· After losing his seat on the Park Board and his sponsor at City Hall (Frimark), whither goest Nick Milissis? Maybe he should have spent less time trying to kick candidates off the ballot and more time actually campaigning.
· How soon before newcomer and top Dist. 207 vote-getter Margaret McGrath becomes a real force on that board?
· We’re still having a hard time deciding which of Frimark’s answers to the questions posed at The Journal’s debate contained the most inaccurate information. One thing that seems pretty clear from the videos of that debate, however, is that City Council meetings should be televised (or at least video-recorded).
· Where will Frimark lap dog Jim Allegretti (4th Ward) curl up after May 4th?
· Did Sam Spiros Markos’ $17,000 in contributions to Frimark come with a money-back guaranty?
· We can’t wait to see how much of all that campaign dough Frimark actually spent, and where it went.
· How will Alderpuppet Frank Wsol (7th Ward) spin the fact that his confusing, misleading, dishonest and unnecessary referendum question still lost by 53.20% to 46.80%? We’re betting he’ll compare it favorably to the citizens’ referendum losing 83.39% to 16.61%, and then come up with a lame excuse for yet another new cop shop plan.
· Now that Frimark is out of the way, when will the new “Citizens for Non-Partisan Local Elections” start flexing its political muscle – using the $15,000 “start-up cash” it got from the defunct “Homeowners Party” – to begin fielding its aldermanic candidates for 2011?
5 comments so far
Wasn’t it Rosemary Mulligan (republican) who put out a campaign flier during her (re)-election with herself side by side with Obama????, demacrat from Chicago? Hmmmmmm
A new political party? Using Homeowners money? That sure sounds kinky.
Commenting on point #5, the Chicago Tribune’s coverage of the northwest suburban mayoral elections stated that the newly elected Des Plaines mayor was supported and promoted by the Daley machine.
No, the Tribune’s coverage did not say that.
Anonymous 4/12/09 @ 3:35 p.m.:
Your statement is incorrect.
The Tribune article (written by solid Tribune reporter Dan Mihalopoulos) states that Rosemary Mulligan said it “would not surprise [her]” if Daley was involved in the Des Plaines and Bensenville mayoral elections by virtue of the involvement of “former Daley political operative Thomas Manion” and former “Northwest Side Daley campaign ward coordinator” Rich Pope.
Both of those men denied any Daley connection to their involvement, which we are not naive enough to take at face value. But we’ll wait for real proof rather than Rosemary’s babbling.
But that article said nothing about a Daley role in the election of Dave Schmidt – that was just Rosemary’s shameless shilling for her old buddy Howard Frimark.
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