
Only One Remedy For Inept, Corrupt Government: Vote!


Everybody knows we live in the most corrupt state in the country, and in the most corrupt county in that most corrupt state.  

It took a long time, and a lot of elections of inept and corrupt candidates, to get that way.  And the only way it’s ever going to improve is through a lot more elections, but of competent, honest, public-spirited candidates instead.

We can’t expect the U.S. Attorney to muck out these stables all by himself.  The current guy – clearly the most tenacious and apolitical one we’ve had in at least 30 years – won’t be around forever; and criminal investigations, prosecutions and convictions of corrupt officials take a lot of time and money.  Even when those prosecutions are successful and the crooks go to jail, that still leaves a lot of public offices manned by incompetent mopes who are easy marks for the next generation of corrupt opportunists.

Voting is the only remedy for this situation, although we must realize that significant change won’t happen overnight. 

But unless enough people vote, even if that means sometimes voting for the “lesser of two evils,” it won’t happen at all. 

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