
Election Day 2016: Just Say “No!” To Madigan, Democrats


We do our best to avoid government and politics outside the friendly confines of Park Ridge, if for no reason other than partisan state politics makes us even more nauseous than thinking and writing about Park Ridge-Niles School District 64.

But today is election day and we feel obligated to say something about our local races.

Michael Madigan first took his seat in the Illinois House of Representatives in 1971. Richard Nixon was president. The governor was a one-term Republican named Richard B. Ogilvie, who sponsored this state’s first income tax. And Illinois was among the top 15 most prosperous states in the Union.

Over the next 45 years, while Ogilvie and his RINO successors – “Big Jim” Thompson (1977-1991), “Slim Jim” Edgar (1991-1999) and George “No. 16627-424” Ryan (1999-2003) – eagerly jumped into bed with Madigan to form and perpetuate the “Illinois Combine” that has raped Illinois’ economy and stolen its soul, Madigan remained the single constant.

Elected Speaker in 1983, Madigan has held that position ever since, except for two years (1995-1997) when the Democrats lost their House majority. Meanwhile, he has grown enormously wealthy through a law practice that specializes in getting huge property tax breaks for big business, shifting the tax burden from them onto the rest of us.

During his 31 years as Speaker and the single most powerful official in Illinois, our state has plummeted from its Top 15 ranking to battling California for 49th place.

Yet the sheeple of Illinois have kept Madigan in the Speaker’s chair by consistently electing his Democrat stooges like state representative Marty Moylan to preserve Madigan’s House majority. And they also have enabled Madigan to extend his control to the Illinois Senate through his sock puppet, Senate president John Cullerton, by electing and appointing Democrat stooges like state senator Laura Murphy.

Regular readers of this blog know that one of our favorite quotes, attributed to Albert Einstein, is the definition of insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

If Illinois is ever to climb out of its sinkhole 45 years in the making, someday its voters need to stop empowering the one man arguably most responsible for digging that hole.

Today’s that day.

Just say “No!” to Madigan by just saying “No!” to his Democrats.

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12 comments so far

I know Thillens, don’t know Gott, but I voted for both of them. I sure hope that others do the same. Say NO to Democrats.

I’ve been saying “no” for 22 years and I’m not stopping. Maybe this year will be the year.

Running on a platform of ‘No’ is not a good idea. That will get candidates elected.

EDITOR’S NOTE: When you keep going deeper into a hole, the first and most important step is to just say “no” to more digging.

Looks like the city council will have to put their plans on hold for a Hillary museum…LOL…and refocus their time on way more pressing issues facing our city. With all the other issues facing PR, the fact that this was even a topic of discussion during a city council meeting is an embarrassment. Hope they learned a lesson. BTW….what will the PR Historic Preservation Commission do with all their time now????? Too bad for Mel and local Republican Party. He’s a nice guy, but had no business running for State Senator.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Council discussion about the “Hillary museum” sounded more like something to mollify a few residents than anything serious. But if somebody wants to offer the current owners of the Hillary House enough money to sell it for a museum, that’s a bridge to be crossed then rather than now.

Chalk up Mel as yet another well-meaning victim of an Illinois Republican Party run by people who couldn’t find their own derrieres with both hands and a Garmin GPS. These buffoons spent tens of millions of dollars (but not on Mel’s campaign) while winning virtually squat, primarily because most of their candidates were minor-leaguers being advised by incompetent consultants/strategists who have made fairly lucrative careers out of losing elections.

Both anonymous 8:33 am. and you are right about Mel Thillens and the Illinois Republicans. They are not even capable of getting bang for the millions of bucks they spent. I’m a fan of Rauner’s but I would not be surprised if he sees just how hopeless the current state Republican party is and decides not to waste more of his millions funding those dopes.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Good point: Rauner didn’t get that rich by pouring his money down rat holes.

Where’s your post gloating over Trump’s victory, or isn’t he a big enough tea bagger for you?

EDITOR’S NOTE: We’re not much for “gloating,” nor do we concern ourselves with Mr. Trump’s sexual proclivities.

perhaps City Council should spend more time thinking about budget season and putting out bids to replace our Legal Council.

EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are referring to these two tasks as alternatives to acquiring Hillary’s Home, you can rest assured Tuesday’s election results probably took care of that for you.

8:45 a.m. – what’re your thoughts about the current legal counsel that prompted your comment?

Well Joan my thoughts are that our current legal council has provided a rather lack luster collection of advise that has been consistent in only one way. “Statutory” a convenient and over used statement when offering City Council advice. It become very clear to anyone paying attention that they have spent very little time and effort to become familiar with the Cities ordinances, policies and procedures and provides a more “one size fits all” method legal council. It certainly allows for more time for them to hold seminars on how to deal with all those pesky residents of a community. But hey I’m sure the budget will prove that we got them at a very reasonable price…right?

Always interesting to see what others are thinking, thanks for taking time to answer my question.

Mel can still expand his family Business in the southern area of the state. That was the only reason for running anyway…..

EDITOR’S NOTE: And THAT explanation comes from where, exactly?

When can we expect to get paid back for the Police OT to the tune of $ 25 grand….
Let’s put that statue on hold to Marty….

EDITOR’S NOTE: What “Police OT” to the tune of $ 25 grand”?

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