Today we discuss the economics of Kathy (Panattoni) Meade’s “Are you F-ing Kidding Me” demands for low-cost – if not “free” – amenities (not “necessities”) from the Park Ridge Park District, such as organized recreational and sports activities, assorted types of entertainment, and a variety of “classes,” “camps” and activities that effectively serve as low-cost babysitting for many parents.
But, first, we need to make sure everybody understands the basic premise underlying these Park District amenities: The Park District (like all other units of local government) has no money of its own.
There’s no “Lost Dutchman” gold mine under the Centennial Park sled hill, nor any vast Vatican-like real estate holdings in Downtown Chicago and Manhattan. The Park District gets its money from the taxpayers, either through RE taxes or user fees. And because the District’s share of our total annual RE tax bills is roughly 6%, if your total RE tax bill is $10,000 per year you’re paying a modest $600 to the District whether you use the facilities and programs or not.
We also need to make sure everybody understands the genesis of the Park District’s money problems, which occurred around 1992 when it dug itself a large financial hole by borrowing approximately $8 million – more than the District’s annual budget at the time – to build the Community Center (now the “Centennial Recreation Center”) without a referendum that would have permitted the District to specially tax the residents to cover the capital cost of that facility.
Why did those 1990-92 park board members – Garry Abezetian, Joyce Clark, Bob Hamilton, Dave Hilquist, Mike Rozovics, Roy Sues and Mary Hester Tone – authorize such a facility without a referendum?
For the same reason that the City Council in the early 2000s didn’t go to referendum for its borrowing of tens of millions of dollars to subsidize the Uptown Redevelopment project. And for the same reason the Park Board didn’t go to referendum in 2012 for its borrowing of over $7 million for the new Centennial water park:
They were afraid they would lose a referendum vote! And then they would have had to assume the political consequences if they chose to disregard that vote and do the project anyway.
So in 1992 the Park Board basically maxed out the District’s non-referendum bonding power to build whatever it could get for $8 million. And all it could get was a haphazardly designed and hastily built facility with (a) an indoor pool too short and too narrow for sanctioned swim meets, (b) two basketball courts instead of the needed four, (c) an equivalently-undersized running track, (d) an exercise room that the exercise classes outgrew within the first year, (e) a lobby providing no way to control or manage access and traffic, and (f) so many other flaws and deficiencies that in 2004 the regional manager of a national fitness chain – after thoroughly inspecting the facility – pronounced it unworthy of purchase by, or even a management contract for, that chain.
Worse yet, the Community Center debt service severely handicapped the District’s ability to maintain, repair and renovate its parks and other facilities, especially after Cook County voters (in 1995) approved RE tax caps that limited annual tax increases by the Park District to the lower of 5% or the increase in the CPI.
The District’s finances were so shaky that it began issuing short-term, non-referendum bonds to pay the Community Center’s long-term debt service. Think of it as using your VISA card to pay your mortgage – only without getting any miles or points.
Consequently, Hinkley Pool was allowed to fall into such disrepair that it was pronounced “unsafe” and closed for an entire summer until it could be rebuilt. Oakton and Centennial pools suffered similar neglect from a lack of funding.
At least 4 times between from 1995 and 2006 – in November 1995, in April 2005, in March 2006 and in November 2006 – the voters rejected referendums for new outdoor pools. That’s why the 2012 Park Board decided to build the new Centennial water park by doing exactly what the 1992 park board did with the Community Center: Max out the District’s non-referendum borrowing power without giving the taxpayers a vote.
In order to cope with the Community Center debt fiasco and the tax caps, however, the District was effectively forced to institute and/or increase user fees so that the facilities, classes, sports and recreational programs that could generate revenue would begin covering some of their own costs.
And, ‘lo and behold, it actually worked!
As we understand it, the Park District now generates almost 51% of its $20 million annual revenue through user fees. And a good chunk of the credit goes to Executive Director Gayle Mountcastle (whom we have excoriated at times for sins of both commission and omission) and those Park Board members who have supported and encouraged that user-fee strategy, including the current Board majority.
What’s wrong with paying for the amenities you use?
Plenty, if you’re a big-time user of the District’s pay-to-play facilities, classes and programs. Paying for what you and your family use is a stake through the heart of our local “freeloaders” who are constantly “looking to leverage maximum benefits for themselves, their families and their friends by shifting the costs of those benefits onto the backs of their fellow taxpayers.”
In the freeloader universe, the Park District is like a Club Med-style, all-inclusive resort where your property taxes entitle you to anything you want at no extra charge, or at a nominal upcharge. And if that means your usage is subsidized by your fellow taxpayers, so much the better! Hence the beefing about fee increases by uber-users like Kathy Meade, who believe they shouldn’t have to go to Niles, Des Plaines, Chicago, or other communities to get “affordable” facilities, classes and programs.
Why not?
We’ve always advocated for “value” in local governmental services, meaning that the quality and/or quantity of the facilities, services, programs or activities should meet or exceed their costs to the taxpayers and consumers. That being said, consumers should be able to get their value wherever they can find it.
So if Niles, Des Plaines, Chicago or other nearby communities can offer better facilities, classes and programs – or comparable ones at cheaper prices – than our Park District can, why not take advantage of those? If our residents think they can get a better deal on their amenities from other communities, they are actually doing our non-freeloading taxpayers a favor by consuming those other communities’ resources rather than our own.
Better yet, they can start patronizing PRIVATE facilities like FFC Park Ridge that actually pay RE taxes rather than consume them.
In an optimal situation the taxpayers could cover the cost of the District’s capital expenditures for the parks, playing fields and facilities, as well as routine maintenance and repairs. To the extent the costs of operating those parks, fields and facilities – e.g., the costs of combatting the wear and tear from organized and programmed usage – can be allocated to those organized and programmed users, they should be. And the entire, fully-loaded cost of programs, classes and activities should be charged to the users.
That way, Ms. Meade and her ilk can choose to send their kids to Taft High School’s “week long soccer camp for $60 for 5 days and 3-1/2 hours a day AND offer lunch and a t-shirt” (which might help explain why the Chicago Public Schools are bankrupt) while still paying her taxes to our Park District.
We call that a win-win for the taxpayers. And we encourage Ms. Mountcastle and the current Board majority to keep up the good work in that regard.
But, just for a reality check, maybe the Park Board could put a referendum question on the ballot that lets the taxpayers vote on whether they want to pay higher RE taxes so that the District’s facilities, classes, programs and activities can be all-inclusive without any user fees whatsoever.
Then those Park Board members could sit back and wait for a different kind of “Are you F-ing kidding us!?!?!” complaint – followed by the inevitable landslide of “No!” votes.
And another predictable whine from Ms. Meade.
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10 comments so far
Right on target, ‘Dog. Pay your own way for the amenities you want, or get them elsewhere whether it’s a bankrupt Chicago or other communities with much larger commercial tax bases than ours.
Excellent analogy to Club Med and the all-inclusive Park District. I’ve read her Facebook posts over the years and “I pay taxes” is one of her (and others’) pet entitlement phrases, as if the rest of us do not.
I also think the referendum you suggest would be good, if only to prove just how bad the all-inclusive idea would be perceived by the taxpayers. How about it, Park Board?
A little while ago I tried to access the Concerned Homeowners Facebook page and got only a link to something called “Park Ridge Chat” with a message from 02/08/2016 that reads:
“Hi to all who participate in the Park Ridge Concerned Homeowners Group” and goes on to talk about re-branding.
So I checked with some friends who are members of that page who told me that Meade has taken the page “secret” as an alternative to shutting the site down.
Do you know anything about that?
EDITOR’S NOTE: We get the same link you get, so we checked with our “stringer” who has access to that FB page and received a screenshot from it that states: “Kathy Meade changed the group privacy setting from Public to Secret” – followed by a comment from her stating: “This is the closest I can get to completely shutting the site down.”
Does anyone know whether she and her posse have adopted passwords and secret handshakes?
The headline of KPM’s post that started the whole messy string was such that there was no way it was going to end well.
I am confused: KPM, who is constantly pushing for higher wages, expects the costs of the park district classes to remain the same while demanding that the park district pay higher wages. I must be missing something. Where is the money for the higher wages supposed to come from?
EDITOR’S NOTE: Al that gold being mined from the “Lost Dutchman” under the Centennial sled hill?
Actually, in her October 27 @ 5:44 pm comment to her Concerned Homeowners post, she argues for lowering the cost of a “sports skills camp…to $60 and you could get 15 people who can afford that price.” Yet in her introduction to that post she beefs about paying “$80+ for a basketball skills camp…15 kids in the class…One instructor. No materials.”
So apparently she’s fine with 15 kids in the camp IF the cost is only $60, but finds it totally unacceptable at $80+. Another classic example of the freeloader mentality.
People who expect “free” stuff from the government will ruin this community. As this blog has pointed out many times before, residents who get “free” educations from our schools already are beating the system by taking out more than they are contributing. That some of those same people now want free or discounted park district programs is just greedy. If the park district held a referendum like you propose, it would lose hugely.
Didn’t I read somewhere (maybe in this blog) that Ms. Meade lives in a low-taxed home? If that’s the case she is getting even more for her taxxes than others paying more.
EDITOR’S NOTE: A commentator to our 10.21.15 post (Anonymous on 10.27.15 2:36 pm) provided an address – which we did not publish for privacy reasons – which we were able to confirm through 2013, the last year provided by that commentator.
There is nothing the park district provides that we can’t do without, so if you want something from the park district you should pay for it.
EDITOR’S NOTE: That may be true, although this community made conscious decisions over the past 100 years or so to build and develop parks, playing fields and facilities for public use. And we believe that’s a proper public purpose, within limits.
But we agree with you that users should pay extra for that use when it’s part of an organized program or activity, or where that use has a measurable value that can be charged for in a practical, business-like manner.
Everything is a choice: Live in Park Ridge instead of Des Plaines or Niles; send your kids to Catholic schools instead of public; dine out regularly or cook at home; shop at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s; buy a BMW instead of a Toyota or a Ford; etc.
That’s the same thing for paying to use the many Park District facilities, programs and activities. Just like my neighbors shouldn’t pay for the difference between my Beemer and their Toyota, I shouldn’t have to pay so that Meade’s or anybody else’s kids can go to a bundle of camps and programs, or live at the pools during the summer.
That is such a simple concept that I can’t believe even stupid people can’t grasp it. So I have to believe that those who say they don’t get it, or don’t like it, are just greedy and not stupid.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Never underestimate “stupid” but always bet on “greedy.”
Let’s not fall all over ourselves with the Park District “fiscal” strategy.
Facilities suck, and Prospect Park is an ABSOLUTE waste of space. Buying the land was a great idea…until government wasted the land.
Pub Dog- I’m very interested on your take of the Historical Society that is opening on that land. There was an article in the local paper this week. Absolutely generates no revenue for park district and I would bet it gets very little traffic. WASTE
Sorry, but between you and the rest of the commentators, you sound like snobs. Good for you that you are financially successful. Good for you that you can afford to send your kids to either private or public schools. Good for you that although the average price of a home in Park Ridge is around $380,000, yours is valued at twice as much.
We don’t pay real estate taxes based on household members. Real estate taxes is based on the value of your house. So some people can afford larger homes will pay larger real estate taxes, city taxes, school taxes, park district taxes, water taxes, etc..
You depict people who have more kids but don’t pay as much in property taxes are free loaders. They also don’t own as expensive a house.
There are very successful families that live on the street Engle, near Washington school. Their property taxes on their homes must be 3-4 times what we pay. They don’t have 10 kids in each household. According to you that is not fair. They made the decision to build huge homes knowing that the property taxes would be higher. Why should the rest of us be penalized because we have families too but are not as wealthy?
You want people to pay their fair share or only items that benefit the individual. Well find a country in the world that you pay only what you use. I bet it is not a wealthy nation.
What fees the Park District charges is up to them. I am not complaining about their fees. On the other hand, don’t paint everyone trying to be a freeloader.
EDITOR’S NOTE: “You depict people who have more kids but don’t pay as much in property taxes are free loaders. They also don’t own as expensive a house.”
Exactly why they are the biggest freeloaders: Because they get 2/3/5/7/10 X the services for what they pay – and then they beef about being charged a few hundred dollars a kid for school “fees,” or $85 per kid for a basketball camp.
Give these “mice” a cookie and they’ll want a glass of milk…and demand a souvenir glass, a Snickers bar, and a box of popcorn.
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