For years we have been reading the two main local newspapers and complaining about how often the reporting is just plain shoddy. One of our biggest complaints was the newspapers’ failure to report – on non-unanimous votes – the names of each official and how he/she voted.
So today we want to give a big shout out to The Journal’s Craig Adams, whose article in this week’s edition about the Park Ridge City Council vote on the Executive Office Plaza zoning variance (EOP Condos OKd, November 7) not only identified each alderman and how he voted, but even gave the sequence of the voting – thereby correctly noting that 3rd Ward Ald. Don Bach’s “no” vote, coming after Ald. Rich DiPietro’s deciding fourth “yes” vote had already been cast, was rendered “moot.”
Way to go, Mr. Adams! Thanks for contributing to a better understanding by your readers of exactly what’s going on at City Hall.
1 comment so far
At last…real reporting!
One point of clarification re Ald. Bach’s vote as “moot.” That probably was no fault of Bach’s because normally roll-call voting is done sequentially by ward number, with the first voter on any particular issue also being determined sequentially by who voted first on the previous issue. So if Ald. Allegretti (4th Ward) was the first to vote, the voting would have gone around the horn sequentially until Bach’s (3d) turn, which would be expecte to be the last vote cast.
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