Double-Talker? As readers of this blog know, we are no fans of Ald. Jim Allegretti’s successful efforts to weaken the City’s Planning & Zoning Commission and change our zoning code to make it easier to bring billboards to Park Ridge. But we found it perversely humorous to read in this week’s Park Ridge Journal (“Residents Speak Out Against Billboards Mulled,” Dec. 16) that one of the more outspoken critics of the billboards is none other than Diane Schmidt-Garvey.
For those of you who don’t remember Mrs. Schmidt-Garvey, she was one of the more outspoken “White Shirts” condemning the City Council for daring to require that the proposed PADS homeless shelter actually comply with zoning regulations. But now she’s a born-again regulator, demanding that our zoning regulations be enforced to the max to keep billboards from blighting the view from her townhome, whining: “It’s going to make our property values go right down the tube.”
Gee, Mrs. S-G, isn’t that one of the same arguments you mocked when it was made by the neighbors of St. Mary’s Episcopal, the first proposed PADS site, just like you mocked the concerns of St. Paul of the Cross School parents when they voiced their concern that PADS – by its own admission – would be importing people with drug, alcohol, mental and emotional problems into our community?
Another Double-Talker? We don’t know where Gene Spanos was hiding for the past decade when the new O’Hare runway was being planned, designed and built. But the sound of Richie Daley’s Flying Circus over his house has sure brought Spanos out of the woodwork and pushing for what is looking to us more and more like expensive and ill-conceived, ready-fire-aim piece of…litigation.
As reported in this week’s Journal, Spanos admits that a lawsuit is “not going to be cheap” but contends that it is vital to the viability of our community. (“Fed Up, Residents Consider Suing O’Hare,” Dec. 16) Most of the rest of his quotes, however, sound almost schizophrenic; and they sure don’t provide anything in the way of insight into how such a lawsuit is going to achieve anything more than what he refers to as the “lose-lose situation now if we do nothing.”
What we find most curious, however, is that while he “[w]ants some restitution and …to send a message all across the country” via this expensive lawsuit, he admits that his house is currently up for sale and that he’s moving even if a lawsuit is filed and settled. That doesn’t sound like the level of semper fi commitment we would expect from someone who has put so much effort into this issue, at least over the past 12 months.
Spanos describes the effect of our decreased property values as “[t]he vultures are circling.” But the analogy of rats leaving a sinking ship might be more appropriate.
34 comments so far
Personally, I am with Mrs. S-G as it pertains to the billboard issue but, as you point out, it is interesting that she is playing the NIMBY card on the issue when back a year ago those of us doing the same relative to the PADS issue were labeled as heathens by S-G and her white shirted pals.
I know, I know… PADS was a “religious” issue. Well how about if those proposed billboards were to carry those popular welcome-back-to-church ads or, better yet, one of those you see protesting abortion with a nice picture of an aborted fetus? Would the billboards be OK then Mrs. S-G??
Probably not… it is all about YOUR property values, isn’t it? So why was that such a problem for you a year ago?
As for Mean Gene… yikes!
If the proposed lawsuit has a decent chance to succeed, wouldn’t a law firm take it on a contingency basis? The fact that someone has convinced Mr. Spanos that it is going to be expensive implies that they think that this is a losing case.
A contingent fee is only good for an attorney if there is a money damage award. The best result we could get from a lawsuit would be to have flight take-offs and landings diverted away from Park Ridge, which would not result in a monetary award and no money for the attorneys.
According to the quote from the article, Mr. Spanos wants some restitution. I assume that this means money. If the attorney is going to sue for monetary damages, why would he not take it on a contingency basis (assuming that PR has a good case)? Since he is asking for payment, I must conclude that the attorney thinks that this case is a loser, but will sue if we pay his hourly rate.
According to today’s (Saturday) Tribune, Karaganis has lost again. This time he was representing the St. Johannes Cemetary in their fight against the O’Hare Modernization Plan. Karaganis does not have a winning record, so why does Gene Spanos think Karaganis is the right attorney for any airport issues? I don’t get it!
Maybe Mrs. S-G simply prefers junkies and whack jobs to big signs, so long as the former are well away from her own front door. Does anyone know whether she (or any of her fellow white shirts) has taken those homeless into her townhome one night a week?
As for Mr. Spanos, it sounds like the only reason he wants “restitution” is to supplement whatever he gets for selling his house.
Here’s an idea: Maybe Schmidt-Garvey and Spanos could swap houses. That way, S-G gets away from the billboards, and Spanos gets away from the flight pattern for 9L27R.
Anyone know if Uncle Dan’s closed? Heard a rumor that they were going under…
I drove by Uncle Dan’s around lunch time today. I did not stop but the lights appeared to be on.
Uncle Dan’s is struggling a bit. The location has never been a lucky one. However, I think spreading rumors about their being closed is pretty stupid unless you know they are closed or unless you are looking to hurt their business by spreading rumors and having people think they are closed.
Anon, do you have some self interest in hurting their business and having people think they went out of business, or are you just that stupid?
So what you are saying is that people should not offer a post on a blog unless they know it to be true?? It is going to get very, very quiet in here!!!
So what you are saying is you encourage people to spread rumors about our local businesses even if it could hurt one of our local businesses?? It is going to get very, very quiet in Uptown!!!
This blog is already very, very quiet.
By anon on 12.21.09 5:31 pm,
Make sure to wipe your chin when you are done down there on your knees.
OK…take a breath!!! Of course I do not encourage people spreading rumors about local businesses anymore than I encourage people to spread rumors about elected officials, city employees, volunteers or the mail man for that matter. I am simply saying that if you are “put off” by people engaging in rumors and/or specutation you should probably not come to the blogs as that happens a great deal in this medium.
Two points in closing. First, I happen to enjoy Uncle Dan’s. There has always been a good crowd the times I have been there and I hope their business thrives. Second, the poster asked a question. He apparently heard something (hopefully false) and asked if anyone else who comes here had heard it.
Perhaps rather than lecturing him/her on whether the question was going to bring down the resturant, you could have simply said, “No, you are mistaken. They are open and I would highly recommend the burger!!”
Who exactly are you accusing me of kneeling in front of?? Your post makes no sense.
It’s either closed or it isn’t. You can’t be a little pregnant. With all due respect to PW I don’t think it has the power to shut down businesses.
Ladies and/or gentlemen (using both terms loosely):
Let’s cut the chatter on Uncle Dan’s, since it is totally unrelated to this post; and because this colloquoy doesn’t appear to be getting anybody anywhere.
Either it remains open or it does not. And irrespective of which one it is, neither answer illuminates either topic of this post.
In case you or anyone else is wondering, Uncle Dan’s is not open on Mondays.
That being said, I agree with the person or persons accusing you of being little more than a rumor-monger and a stupid one at that.
Instead of making a public blog blast about the status of a local establishment, your concerns could have been addressed by either calling city hall or even emailing our dear Mayor/Liquor Commissioner to see if he knows anything about the situation; I’m sure you’d feel perfectly comfortable doing that and asking him for anything your heart desires.
While PublicWatchdog does not possess any power to close down any local establishment, PublicWatchdog is a public venu where the public reads. It would seem to be a good practice to exercise a bit more care in publishing comments as some seem far more flimsy and (admittedly) rumor-based than others, which could be harmful to a local establishment. Why be so careless? What is to be gained from such a cavalier treatment of a local establishment’s reputation? It’s foolish to behave in such a way.
Yeah, like it’s breaking news that they might be going under. Like no one would have thought of that before reading it here. You people are idiots.
No, you’re the idiot. As a business man yourself, you should well understand the importance of a business’ reputation and the necessity of not doing potential harm to another business or business man.
Your opening inquiry was at best, stupid; at worst, maliciously intended.
By anon on 12.21.09 6:35 pm,
The blog master overlord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Must Be Anonymous on 12.21.09 7:26 pm,
Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The concern should not be about a particular location, but about why Park Ridge cannot support their local businesses. What does the CITY do to help businesses that are not big chains? Ms. Uhlig, do you help the individual places or just court the corporate ones? Don’t bother answering, we already know the answer.
Those of you calling people “stupid” or “idiot” just shows your own immaturity and lack of class. We all know who you are. You walk under a black cloud.
I heard a rumor. The fact that this simple question caused so much controversy proves that it’s probably true, for if the same question was posed about Houlihan’s or Lou Malnati’s or Moretti’s it would truly be shocking.
Negative reactions to your poor choice of submitting a comment about nothing more than a rumor, which could potentially harm a local business, proves that the rumor you heard is true?
Well, I’m sure that sounded reasonable to you when it ran through your head.
What is shocking is the cavalier attitude demonstrated by you toward a local enterprise trying to run a business and having some difficulty in doing so. If you gave a real rat’s backside about anyone else and the economic health of our community, you probably would not have posted such a lame question and you would have been the one to suggest that the community show support for our local merchants and you would have suggested, “Grab a burger at Uncle Dan’s!”
Typical whiner. You must be one of those socialists we hear so much about in the press these days…suggest nothing substantive, of course, and ask not what you can do, but what your CITY can do for your business. Sure. Lot’s of class in whining and holding your hand out asking for a hand out.
My God. Can’t anyone just answer the question?
You’ll have a definite answer by Dec. 31st.
So it’s the city’s job to run restaurants? Brilliant!
9:28, how do u know? You’re sounding like you’re spreading rumors now
I know because I recently spoke to someone at city hall about another matter and this topic also arose. There are some licensing deadlines to be met and some fees to be paid.
But I suppose I could have just slithered around Uptown gossiping like some old biddy hen and then posted what I heard on a blog, like some idiot.
So who is the biddy hen if you’re blabbermouthing it up to someone at city hall about an iissue that’s none of your business? More importantly why is the city talking to biddy hens like you about that?
So who is the biddy hen if you’re blabbermouthing it up to someone at city hall about an iissue that’s none of your business? More importantly why is the city talking to biddy hens like you about that?
9:24–what a lovely response. happy friggin holidays to you too.
Instead of spewing your nonsense, perhaps you might realize that the issue is that the City courts the BIG retailers and not any others. It supports many businesses Uptown, but not in South Park. It should be spread equally if they are going to be doing it at all.
Sorry you are so offended by positive comments. I know its easier for people like you to constantly bitch and moan. It must be a comfort to you.
pizza fan in disguise @9:55 and repeating @9:56
Correction, it is the business of every member of the community whether or not our local economy is surviving, if not thriving, in the current economic climate. I tend to ask questions about such things, but if your intellectual curiosity and consciousness is lacking, that is your problem.
The difference between gossip and real information is usually the source. The conversation starter admitted to hearing a rumor that Uncle Dan’s was closed, something which could hasten any demise.
I have offered Uncle Dan’s is having difficulty as are many businesses in this economy and suggested not adding to the stress.
I suppose to a beggar such as yourself, suggesting businesses don’t need hand outs nor hand holding by the city’s economic development director strikes you as “nonsense.” Since South Park Merchants seem to be doing well, despite your own claim they are ignored, while the Uptown merchants you claim enjoy the hand outs and hand holding of the economic development director but are still not doing all that well, have you given a moments thought to the irony of your suggestion? <-- rhetorical question.
Houlihans is booming as is Jason’s deli and panera.
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