Are Billboards Back? At Monday night’s City Council COW meeting, Ald. Jim “Billboards” Allegretti resumed his fight to get “supermajority” re-defined so that it requires only 5 aldermanic votes rather than the current 6 votes from a combination of the mayor and all 7 aldermen. That’s a pretty clear indication that Allegretti and his newest best friends at Generation Group, Inc. (“GGI”) will be back trying to end-run the Planning & Zoning Commission’s rejection of billboards for GGI.
With Allegretti’s having voted Monday night against increasing water rates, we can’t wait to hear him renew his impassioned pleas for the needed revenue that GGI’s billboards will bring into the City. And when that time comes, we hope he brings along his public-spirited law officemate, Frankie DiFranco, whose sincere concern about the City’s financial welfare mysteriously evaporated when the billboard deal fell off the table.
District 64’s Got A Secret Sounds like the Park Ridge-Niles School District 64 Board has narrowed its choices for the replacement of retiring Supt. Sally Pryor down to five candidates, at least according to a story in this week’s Park Ridge Journal (“District 64 Supt. Search Down To Five Candidates,” Feb. 24). But we find it strange and troublesome that those candidates weren’t identified in that Journal story.
Whether the cause of that omission is incompetent reporting by Dwight Esau or intentional concealment by the District 64 Board, we see no good reason for this kind of secrecy – especially for any of the candidates who already are Dist. 64 employees and whose application for the superintendant’s position would not cause the same kind of concern by their bosses that an application from another district’s employee might cause his/her bosses.
Richie D. Talks Trash This week’s Journal also quotes 2nd Ward Ald. (and Finance Committee chairman) Rich DiPietro about the new budget, thusly: “If I had my way, we’d try to get [the new budget] done by Easter (Apr. 4).”
That’s just a bunch of hooey.
Why wasn’t Richie D demanding the acceleration of the budget process back in November, December or January – when it might have mattered. And just as significantly, April 4 is only 3 weeks before the deadline for passing the budget, so Richie D’s “way” is pretty much just more of the same old same old. Which means we shouldn’t expect a better budget this year than in the past.
9 comments so far
What is frustrating to me is that you bring up three distinct things, two from the city and one from District 64, which are not earth-shattering but which show just how screwed up these public bodies are because nobody with any integrity should be doing them.
vote against charging the full amount for water use, then argue to make PR look ugly with billboards because we need the money.
what a jerk.
The budget workshop today was a joke. Packed with cops, firemen and city workers. And the alderdopes are against the cuts but have no suggestions of their own, except Bach wants supervisors cut instead of lower level employees. Fine, let’s get rid of the city manager, the police chief and all the department heads, and then let some street repair truck driver and some beat cop run those departments.
Sure would be nice if the Journal would be a tad more current on their web page.
Not so. The “audience” was about 60 residents and 15-20 city employees. It was a good turnout.
Where was Allegretti? He missed ANOTHER budget meeting. He missed last year, and I think he missed the year before as well. And he wants to be re-elected? I’ll bet you a month of Allegretti’s salary as a “volunteer” that he doesn’t miss the billboard vote.
2:57 AM:
First of all, get some sleep. Second of all, 60 people ain’t squat.
If you want to make it a meaningful bet, it really is going to have to be more than $100.00.
OK. How about betting the amount of money his cronies will make if the billboard ordinance gets pushed through?
And 60 residents is alot if you consider that is the total number of people who attended the last 10 budget workshops combined.
Big deal. Allegretti missed another meeting. Given the garbage that comes out of his mouth when he does show up maybe we should all count our blessings and hope NONE of these jerkoffs show up to any meetings. They’ve got to be the biggest collection of brainless boobs ever assembled.
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