In addition to our previous endorsement of Park Board candidates Jim O’Brien, Mary Wynn Ryan and Mel Thillens (see “Voters Should Reject ‘Union’ Park Board Slate,” Mar. 30), we offer the following endorsements for your consideration:
Park Ridge-Niles School District 64
For the Park Ridge-Niles School District 64 board, we endorse Anthony Borrelli, Dan Collins and Marshall Warren over incumbents John Heyde and Eugenia Taddeo for the three 4-year seats; and Kristi Bavaro over incumbent Scott Zimmerman for the 2-year seat.
In their 4 and 6 years on the board, respectively, Heyde and Taddeo have distinguished themselves by spending the taxpayers’ money and by things that we find antithetical to good government, like secrecy and lack of accountability – as we discussed at greater length in posts like “More Of The ‘Culture Of Secrecy’ At District 64” (Sept. 16, 2010) and “Concealing The Details Of A ‘Fair’ Contract Raises Questions” (Sept. 14, 2009) – while at the same time doing little to raise the academic achievement of D-64 students, as we noted in posts like “District 64 Schools Missing (Again) From ‘Top 100’ Lists” (Oct. 29, 2010) and “Time For Taxpayers To Start Paying Attention To School Dist. 64” (Oct. 31, 2008).
While Zimmerman has served for less than two years, he was appointed by Heyde and Taddeo, among others. Enough said.
We believe Borrelli, Collins, Warren and Bavaro will bring a fresh approach to D-64. In the absence of any over-riding reasons to retain Heyde, Taddeo and Zimmerman, a fresh approach is preferable to a stale one.
Park Ridge City Council
In the 1st Ward, incumbent Ald. Joe Sweeney, whom Mayor Dave Schmidt appointed two years ago to fill Schmidt’s aldermanic seat when he became mayor, has been frustratingly inconsistent and unpredictable. For every policy-based decision he seems to get right (e.g., rejection of giveaway funding of private community groups, voting against deficit budgets) he gets an equally-or-more significant one totally wrong (e.g., City Mgr. Jim Hock’s new sweetheart contract). And we get the sense that he is an automatic, knee-jerk vote for anything police or police-related, irrespective of the cost-benefit output.
On the other hand, his challenger, Alana Warren, appears to have been un-engaged in City business until her decision to run for alderman a few months ago, as evidenced by her admission that she had not attended any City Council meetings prior to her candidacy, and had watched only a couple/few meeting videos. Well, at least she was honest about her disinterest.
We are disappointed that neither candidate has done or even said enough good things about how the City should be governed to merit an endorsement. All we can do is hope that whoever wins will step up to the plate and build a record that will merit an endorsement four years from now.
In the 7th Ward, the only other contested aldermanic race, the voters once again have multiple choices. That’s a good thing, especially compared to the positively pathetic 3rd Ward, which could only field one eleventh-hour write in candidate after nobody filed any regular nominating petitions by the deadline. Of the three candidates running in the 7th, we strongly endorse Marty Maloney for the seat being vacated by 6-year veteran Frank Wsol.
For the past 8 years Maloney has distinguished himself as the No. 1 fiscal hawk on the Park Ridge Recreation and Park District Board, where he has also served as president of that body. As a new commissioner back in 2004-05, he was instrumental in the successful intergovernmental effort to build the new City water reservoir at Hinkley Park, thereby saving City taxpayers over $3 million in additional costs and preserving the old City Garage property at Greenwood and Elm for other City uses or for sale to private developers. In other words, he has walked the walk and not just talked the talk.
The two other candidates for this office, Lottie Janus and Franklin Ramirez, are decent folks but appear simply outclassed by Maloney. And, unfortunately, Ramirez seems to be trying to turn this into a “partisan” battle by lining up the endorsements of non-resident Republican officials like Cook County Commissioner (and Village of Elmwood Park president) Peter Silvestri and State Rep. (and Des Plaines resident) Rosemary Mulligan, even as he has failed to identify even one City issue that has an inherently “Republican” or “Democrat” position to it.
Memo to Mr. Ramirez: by law, City elections are non-partisan.
And memo to Park Ridge voters: Act like citizens and get to the polls tomorrow.
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7 comments so far
What about Maloney’s endorsement by Dem. state senator Dan Kotowski? Maloney’s playing the partisan game, too.
EDITOR’S NOTE: It’s our understanding that not only is Sen. Kotowski a Park Ridge resident, but he is a resident of the 7th Ward. What about that difference between Kotowski v. Silvestri and Mulligan don’t you understand?
More proof it’s not partisan: Mulligan is a RINO, Republican In Name Only. She might even be to Kotowski’s left, who knows. The point is that Marty Maloney gets the support of a neighbor. God bless him. Let’s hope he wins and cuts local spending.
Was Mulligan out walking for Ramirez yesterday? The Dem committeeman from DesPlaines was out walking for Maloney yesterday.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Are you saying that Laura Murphy was walking the 7th Ward for Maloney yesterday?
hysterical post- nothing but cya.
I’m hearing that turnout is pitiful. Any thoughts on how that will play out?
A note to the 7th ward follower…
The Dems have taken over the 7th ward.
Didn’t you see the Chicago flag from
Maloney’s yard.
His gas bag buddy too mus have got the OK
to post it!
EDITOR’S NOTE: We realize the following request is likely to be far too challenging for you, but: Can you identify the Democrat and Republican positions on any current City government issues?
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