We still haven’t found a better depiction of how challenging, difficult and dangerous the vote for independence was for our Founders than this scene from the 2008 HBO 7-part “John Adams” series:
The signers of the Declaration of Independence also effectively signed their own death warrants, risking their lives, their families and their fortunes for the freedom to enjoy the inalienable rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
As we celebrate this world-changing action and document, we should stop a moment and think what we have done, what we are doing, and what we still can do to prove ourselves worthy heirs to the Republic these truly remarkable men – farmers, merchants, physicians, lawyers, judges, educators and even a minister – gave us 236 years ago.
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5 comments so far
Great quote: “A Republic, if we can keep it.” Who again? Jefferson? Franklin? Lincoln? Help.
And great reminder. My husband printed out the Preamble for me this morning and I sat there and cried. May we never forget. May we keep faith with each other because that really is the only way to keep this remarkable experiment going.
Thanks, Bob.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Franklin.
You’re welcome.
There are no leaders in office like the ones depicted in the clip.
Certainly not at the State or Federal level.
Local level might have a few. : )
Kaiser, I beg to differ. It’s attitudes like yours that keep us from progressing as a country.
So clutch your negativism to your bosom and don’t spew it out here, please. We are trying to get on with it and look at the glass as half full, Danke!
EDITOR’S NOTE: And who, pray tell, are you offering as current federal or state officials who are in any way political thinkers/statemen comparable to the Founders depicted in the “John Adams” clip?
Can you and your half-full glass name five politicians (State or Federal) who you would say posses the same leadership qualities and courage portrayed in that clip? Five.
EDITOR’S NOTE: How about 2?
I could, but you’d no doubt disagree anyhoo and I don’t want to create an opening for more swiftboating, thanks.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Yeah, right. Just like there’s such a thing as “swiftboating” anonymous commentators.
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