Yesterday we talked about showing the door to the incumbent Maine Twp. High School District 207 Board members because they have demonstrated they can’t, or won’t, do the job the students and taxpayers deserve. Today we shift gears to the contested race for three 4-year seats on Park Ridge-Niles School District 64.
Actually, those seats aren’t all that “contested” because there are only four candidates vying for the three seats. So the only suspense is finding out who is going to be the odd man out among incumbent Tony Borrelli and challengers Greg Bublitz, Mark Eggemann and Tom Sotos.
If the Park Ridge Education Association (the “PREA”) – the teachers union – has its way, that odd man will be Eggemann, which would be reason enough to endorse him.
That because the PREA exists solely to put more money and better benefits in the pockets of its members, while avoiding as much accountability as it can get away with. And the PREA has gotten away with that for years while student performance has stagnated or even declined compared to higher-scoring districts in Glenview, Northbrook and those other suburban communities with which Park Ridge competes for new residents.
Worse yet, D-64’s under-performance may be contributing to the marked decline in the performance and ranking of Maine South, which dropped a dozen slots in its student performance rankings in just three years!
Eggemann is the husband of Maine Twp. Republican Committeewoman (and Park Ridge Library Board member) Char Foss-Eggemann. He also served as the late Mayor Dave Schmidt’s 2013 campaign manager. Both of those facts rub certain people – the Kool-Aid drinkers who prefer go-along-to-get-along government – the wrong way.
He’s also the PREA’s worst nightmare: somebody who thinks for himself and isn’t easily intimidated.
Eggemann sounds uncompromising in his demand for higher measurable student achievement, and unabashedly dismissive of the District’s nonsensical “teaching the whole child” instead of “teaching to the [standardized] tests” alibi for its low rankings. Even more notably, he is the only candidate demanding complete transparency from the District and the Board – including dragging the teacher contract negotiations out of the closet and into the sunlight, where the taxpayers and the media alike can see and hear not only the PREA’s demands but also the District’s responses.
Not surprisingly, two of Eggemann’s opponents are PREA sock puppets.
Bublitz is a former teacher and current School District 63 administrator. And for good measure, his wife is a D-64 teacher and PREA member, which would appear to create both a conflict of interest and an appearance of impropriety in dealing with any systemic teacher issues. Bublitz is so much the PREA’s boy that its president, Andy Duerkop, didn’t hesitate to admit that the PREA recruited Bublitz to replace departing two-term PREA cabana boy/beyatch John Heyde, who engineered the current sweetheart contract for the PREA back in 2012.
According to Duerkop, Sotos also sought PREA support. So when a successful challenge got Bublitz’s running mate, Kristin Gruss, tossed off the ballot, the PREA adopted Sotos as its unofficial Plan B. Which is why you’ll see his and Bublitz’s signs paired up in front yards all over town, except where some sly devils have placed Bublitz’s sign on one lot line and Sotos’ sign on the opposite lot line to make it look like they’re on different properties altogether.
While we are tempted to suggest that voters tired of the D-64 same old same old might want to consider giving Eggemann the “bullet” – i.e., voting only for him rather than diluting that vote with votes for his competition – we believe Tony Borrelli deserves another shot at proving he can be the kind of thoughtful and courageous people’s representative we endorsed back in April 2011.
On one hand, Borrelli has delivered for the taxpayers on a number of occasions during his first term – like with his “no” vote on the current teacher contract, his “yes” vote for residency checks, his “yes” vote for videotaping Board meetings. But seemingly just as frequently, he has stiffed those same taxpayers with his “yes” votes on “free” Chromebooks, on a sweetheart contract for newly-minted Supt. Heinz, and an even more ridiculous contract extension for business manager Becky Allard.
And most importantly of all, the educational performance of D-64 students seems dead in the water.
Assuming Dathan Paterno pulls his head out of his anti-Common Core whatsit and actually starts representing all those taxpayers who aren’t afflicted with obsessive/compulsive right-wing ideological pathology but who, instead, just want the educational quality they’re paying so dearly for, a Borrelli/Paterno/Eggemann alliance might be able to inspire some independent thought and civic-mindedness from a cipher like Bob Johnson.
And without a Heyde on the Board for the first time in a dozen years, maybe even a blind squirrel like Vicki Lee might find an occasional acorn.
But the first step is electing Eggemann and re-electing Borrelli.
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43 comments so far
Your anti-teacher bias stinks. If you had your way teachers would be working for Wal-Mart wages.
EDITOR’S NOTE: We’re not “anti-teacher” no more than we’re pro-teacher because there’s no reason to be either. Teaching is an occupation like most others – done incredibly well by some, done incredibly poorly by others, and done averagely by the vast majority of them.
But when any 22 year old with a bachelor’s degree can immediately make $48,582 (for the 2015-16 school year, per the current D-64/PREA contract) with benefits and a guaranteed defined-benefit pension (no cheesy 401(k) for them) by working less than 9 months (annualizing out to just under $65K) in a clean, safe environment with almost zero accountability, the only relevance of your “Wal-Mart” reference is that those teachers likely won’t ever have to shop there.
Why is accountability often accused of being “anti-teacher bias”?
EDITOR’S NOTE: For the same reason the automatic response from those same folks to questions about school spending is “it’s for the kids!” – it tends to cause the stupid and the ignorant to stop thinking entirely.
Absolutely agree. Both Borrelli and Eggemann are solid, upstanding citizens and they both have children in D64 schools. They are thoughtful and will ask the hard questions.
EDITOR’S NOTE: We have to disagree about the value of board members having children in D-64 schools. Most of our D-64 board members have had kids in the schools, and how has that worked for us all these years?
After reading the Chicago Tribune articles about the board and the College of DuPagp, one begins to wonder if the D 64 board could be operating under similar circumstances ? Just a thought.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Nah, most of our D-64 board members are just PREA lackeys who follow what the administrators tell them like a bovine herd following the cow wearing the bell.
And what a shame that would be. See Sammy run.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Can you tranlate that into something lucid?
Comment was in response to your statement that teachers are paid well enough — quelle horreur! — that they need not shop at Walmart. Sammy is, of course, Sam Walton.
EDITOR’S NOTE: We thought we stated, or at least suggested, that teachers appear to be OVERPAID…at least judging by their students’ test scores in comparison to other communities in our demographic class.
Are the chrome books “free” for district 64. My understanding the children do not get to keep them or use them for anything other than school work. The equivalent of an electronic textbooks. In old days when I went to school they “have” us textbooks to use during the school year – did we characterize that as “free books”? Not that I wanted to keep that hard copy usually outdated book anyways. Also does the district save or at least break even by not having to buy those hard copy books as the students can access them online through the Chromebook.
Didn’t this blog issue a post about how a board member with kids in schoo within the district has a conflict of interest (I think the post was about the vote for chrome book use)? Apparently that conflict should be overlooked relative to your preferred candidates but not for others?
EDITOR’S NOTE: If the parents don’t buy them or rent them – as they do at D-207 – then they are “free” in our book.
Yes, those board members DO have a conflict of interest, which they can avoid either by abstaining from voting on that issue or by voting AGAINST their interest. And, yes, Borrelli did neither of those things; no, it should not be overlooked, which is why we criticized him for it; and we considered it in our endorsement decision.
Chrome books are not given to students to keep any more than they are “given” basketballs or classroom smart boards used fro education at our schools.
Also use of chrome books during school year is not free to parents.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Give a mouse a cookie and he demands a glass of milk.
Unlike D-207, where the parents were required to buy the Chromebooks for their kids(, D-64 gives students FREE use. But if they want to take them home, the parents are charged a whopping $30 for insurance.
So if it’s that $30 you’re objecting to, you’re now officially a FREELOADER!
Interesting your link includes the following:
. The savings by shifting from select print textbooks to less expensive digital books will offset the cost of the Chromebook over time. We have posted a video on the website which explains why we made this decision, how it is cost effective, information about the Chromebook, and how this program will work. Other information will be posted as it becomes available.
So there is a savings to the district for buying chrome books that can load multiple electronic books vs buying multiple hard copy books??
So the decision to use chrome books is saving dollars. You should be in favor of it then.
30 bucks buys insurance and each time if a kid takes home and breaks parent pays a deductible so district is not out any money for the insurance policy or the deductible and there is a costs savings to the district for not having to buy hard cover books. Don’t gloss over that.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Our link was to D-207, not D-64. The Chromebooks at D-207 are paid for by parents, so we’re definitely in favor of that.
D-64 TAXPAYERS are providing the D-64 Chromebooks, so the District IS “out” those costs. And $30 for insurance and a $20 per-incident deductible is still a big enough bargain for D-64 parents that we won’t “gloss over that.”
“Boo hoo hoo! I had to pay $30 insurance so my kid could bring their Chromebook home! That’s so UNFAIR!”
EDITOR’S NOTE: To freeloaders, any cost is unfair.
Forgot to add:
Given the cost savings
More like give a mouse a cookie and it won’t eat your Cheese
Am I right dog? 🙂
EDITOR’S NOTE: Not likely.
The quote I sent you about cost savings was from the d 207 web link you sent. Don’t you read what you cite?
In grammar school we don’t have the parents pay for text books in high school we do.
The cost savings from d64 buying hard cover text books vs buying online versions is and will save dollars.
You keep whining for tax dollar savings so there you go – chrome book buying (subsidized by parents paying insurance on it) saves the district money over buying hard copy text books. The savings is referenced on d207 as a savings to parents not having to buy hard copy text books. Since d64 buys the hard copy text books the savings goes to d64.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Save your bragging until when there’s proof that Chromebooks actually have saved D-64 taxpayers – not parents, but non-parent taxpayers – any money.
Here is the detailed info FROM D207 website you posted about the cost saving. D64 usually bears cost of hard copy books so this should be a welcomed cost saving measure. There is also info about how it is a benefit to the students educational experience BUT you don’t seem to value that over cost saving so il spare you that quote. Here is cost saving statement:
. The recent and swift switch in the textbook industry to openly adopt and migrate to digital resources at a much lower cost has helped make the 1:1 program cost effective for our families over the long term. In the past two years, 89 percent of new textbooks in the district are lower cost or free digital resources. With many of our older textbooks reaching a point where they need to be replaced, the cost savings of electronic resources, over traditional print resources, is being passed on to all of our families. Over a high school career, families can see hundreds of dollars in savings with these new digital resources, which also offer more up-to-date information and quick access to additional help online. One of the biggest advantages of digital platforms is the ability for teachers to give and receive real time feedback around student performance providing the ability to adapt and meet the needs of individual students.
EDITOR’S NOTE: See our Editor’s Note to your previous comment: D-207’s “families” are only a small fraction of Park Ridge taxpayers.
5th ward taxpayer – I never said the payment of 30 is unfair. Just pointing out to dog that his statement that the chrome books are free is inaccurate. As inaccurate as saying the hard copy text books or the basketballs used during gym class are free.
Also see previous post. Over the years the chrome books will save d64 dollars bc more expensive hard copy text books can be phased out of the budget. Kids get a better educational experience and tax payers save dollars. You and dog always purport to trumpet that cause so one would think you would support this?
EDITOR’S NOTE: Just like, over the years, all the various educational initiatives and pilots were supposed to raise the “educational experience,” right?
Saving tax dollars is only good when you can maintain or improve quality. Unfortunately, our local schools have mastered the practice of spending more tax dollars without delivering better performance.
I think we are getting close to a tipping point in Park Ridge.
With the giant percentage of our property tax dollars going to marginal schools, all of the rest of services have to take a back seat. I’m not sure how many families can stay here after their kids use our public schools and then move on.
While I don’t advocate for more spending in the Parks or City….I want to tell everyone this:
Even though our taxes are high, our $$$$ are blown at our schools. Park Ridge Parks and city services do not have premium facilities because all of our tax dollars go to over pay teachers and administrators for average results. So when, you say “wow, why does x-suburb have beautiful facilities”, please look at your tax bill and see where all of your money goes.
When a 3rd grade gym teachers makes $100,000 plus full benefits and pension…I think even the unions should know they have jumped the shark.
The fact that PREA even has the chutzpah to endorse a candidate in PR is beyond me. If PREA endorses, it should be an automatic sign to vote elsewhere.
Special interest groups ONLY care about their special interest, not the taxpayers.
EDITOR’S NOTE: That’s exactly right.
Public sector unions NEVER acknowledge that “they have jumped the shark” because standard economic principles don’t apply to public employee compensation, especially teacher compensation, where a small faction of taxpayers with kids in schools want no expense spared for their kids because they’re only paying a small fraction of that expense themselves; and enough other taxpayers are so easily bamboozled by all that “for the kids” propaganda.
Based on last post “tipping point” not sure even with slip in ranking over past years that you can characterize park ridge schools as “mediocre” even at 28 out of 708 public high schools Maine south is top 4 percent state wide. According to suntimes report cards our middle school were in light of the 1913 or more grammar or middle schools were similarly around a b plus or a percentage Lincoln 73. Enerson 101. Washington 150. Franklin 207. Field 223 Roosevelt 305 and carpenter 317. But besides the fuzzy math
I’m curious. How much are you willowbrook my to pay a teacher if Maine south gets back to its higher ranking?
Or are you just blowing smoke about pay commensurate with results bc you want a lower tax bill?
EDITOR’S NOTE: Please post the link to your alleged “suntimes report cards” so that we can verify the accuracy of your claims.
Because Maine South teachers and administrators have had their pay INCREASED significantly over the past several years while Maine South’s rankings have been declining, why should taxpayers be “willowbrook” them anything more to raise those rankings? If this were a private sector meritocracy instead of a public sector feeding trough, those teachers and administrators would have had their pay CUT, or they would have been fired, for that kind of performance.
Oh I get it. You really aren’t concerned about the children getting value. Just about lowering your taxes. Freeloading in reversed he your terms. Otherwise you would be willing to say how much you feel teachers should get paid for being part of a top 4 percent school. My question was what salary level would you feel gives taxpayers and students value if Maine south climbed back up to its 10 or 11 ranking it had years back? Would the current level of pay be appropriate for that ranking? Higher? Lower? Your answers speak volumes of your true motivations mr potter.
Exkooze typos – typed on a mobile deevice:)
Will send link to rankings in next post. You really don’t believe Lincoln was 73?
EDITOR’S NOTE: You seem to be a little unclear on the concept of “value” – which is the monetary worth of something to the person paying for it. Since the children PAY NOTHING, “value” isn’t even part of their equation.
The taxpayers who were paying more money for a lower-performing product, however, were losing value, so they would theoretically be owed compensation by the schools (teachers and adminstrators) for that reduction in value.
And if the teachers didn’t lose pay while the rankings declined, why should they get an increase in pay for any improvement from the lower level of rankings?
For the teachers and administrators v. the taxpayers, this has been a classic “heads, we win – tails, you lose” situation, which would explain why there are lines for every teacher and administrator opening and why the teachers unions want to keep packing the respective school boards with their stooges.
Ranking by sun times 2013 Lincoln middle
Ranked 73 out of 1389 statewide.
By the math I was taught that is 94.7 percent. Hardly the “marginal” school reference by the last person who posted.
Maine south is 28 out of 677 or 95.86 percent statewide. Maybe tax dollars are being well spent. I’d hate to be in district in the 80 percent!
I’ll send you the other park ridge school rankings too if you like. Or maybe just stop beating up on the educators who by your own methodology are still achieving A level rankings and just admit you want to freeload by having 95 percent level schools and the benefits that come with it in increased property value but not paying your fair share of taxes for it. Oh I forgot. You are a renter. Maybe by your logic that creates a conflict of interest for you so you shouldn’t comment on the school district finances. 🙂
EDITOR’S NOTE: So you want to compare Park Ridge schools to 95% of CPS schools and all those downstate schools where more than half the kids don’t go to college and they spend 1/2 what our schools spend?
For what it’s worth, dropped D-64 from 75th place in 2013 to 119th in 2014. So maybe Lincoln dropped down from 73rd, too. That isn’t helping property values, either.
Maybe you didn’t hear about it, but renters pay taxes – and assessments – via their rent. And maybe the reason you remain anonymous is that you’re a teacher or administrator who gets raises for producing declining educational performance.
Emerson ranking
Here is Washington the highest ranked park ridge k through 5 school
150 out of 2163. 93 percent. “Marginal”?
EDITOR’S NOTE:Apparently not if you derive your self-esteem from being better than all those war-zone CPS, Robbins, Waukegan, Calumet City, Harvey, Bellwood, et al. schools; or all those other downstate communities where the spend 1/2 of what we spend.
You probably also brag about being able to jump higher than a guy with no legs.
You are the one that relies so heavy on suntimes rankings but now that the numbers show our schools within the top 5-10 percent you attack the rankinGS?
Of course it takes into account all public schools. Life takes into account people from all over. Do you live in a bubble?
EDITOR’S NOTE: Spoken like a typical “teacher administrator parent” who has been feeding at the public trough on everybody else’s dime – and deriving your self-esteem by claiming our schools are outstanding when measured against those in Robbins, Harvey and Alton rather than measuring them against Wilmette’s, Northbrook’s, Glenview’s, Western Springs’, etc.
So if Maine south is top 4 percent by the ranking you so heavily rely upon does the “all those war-zone CPS, Robbins, Waukegan, Calumet City, Harvey, Bellwood, et al. schools;” make up the other 96 percent?
EDITOR’S NOTE: No, the “war zones” comprise only a small part of it. Most of that other 96% are downstate schools with lower costs of living that spend a fraction of what our schools spend.
So unless you think the Alton, Sandwich, or LaSalle-Peru are competing with Park Ridge for residents, there’s no reason to consider those schools in measuring Park Ridge schools’ performance.
Let’s not forget that Joe Walsh and his MTRRP tea party buddies all support the infiltration of the local school boards as well. This includes the Eggeman and Donlan folks. By the way we also understand that Donlan wants to cut the special transportation for those handicap students attending all Dist. # 207 schools. Ah yes….the MTRRP crew is busy at work these days. This includes the recent welcome wagon in front of city hall as well entered the bldg to vote. Give it up Susan !
EDITOR’S NOTE: Yes, let’s not forget that – because our schools have been run so well, and the performance has been so outstanding, over the past decade that we should keep doing exactly the same thing we’ve been doing. And continuing to overpay for underperformance.
Anon 2:16- Let me add on to my earlier comment…I actually believe the students get the biggest shaft by the special interest groups. Is all the money spent for smaller class sizes? Is it spent for extra/specialized tutoring, or other unique programs?
NO. The money is spent for teachers and administrators. Students are the only “customers” that I can think of where they are the last priority for success. Sure, they say we need more $$$$ for the kids, but that is really code for, we want more $$$$ for ourselves.
The Anons- Please don’t tell me you’re that ignorant to not understand that socioeconomic factors don’t skew your stats. Why even waste space with that lunacy. All comparisons should be to peer socioeconomic communities. But, you already know that.
Enjoy your taxpayer funded pension. To me it’s legalized theft.
Just curious where you got your info about Donlan and handicapped busing. I had not heard that but it does not surprise me. Peopld talk about overpaying for underperformance and tha answer is to cut services for handicapped students.
Well, we are no on the same economic level but appears we are inching toward Hinsdale in some ways.
EDITOR’S NOTE: “Inching toward Hinsdale”? Seems like we are “inching” more toward Norridge and Des Plaines.
Joe Walsh and Eggemann have ties?
That is pretty scary if true. That type of government is not welcomed or needed in par ridge. Hopefully the voters take heed.
EDITOR’S NOTE: You’re holding Eggemann’s serving as Joe’s personal assistant for the few months he played guitar for Ringo Star’s All-Star Band in 1999? You’re scared by THAT?
The population of cook county is 5.5 mill and collar counties make up another 3.4. You must of went to a war zone school cause the numbers don’t add up for you dog. Maine south by the rankings you say are the end all be all objective standards show it is in top 4 percent statewide. And close to 70 percent of the population of Illinois is NOT downstate dog. Your concern over your landlord maybe lowering your rent bc property taxes go down to less fund the schools is clouding your mathematical abilities.
You also say downstate spends way less on education and are way down in the rankings. Duh!
Let’s decrease our funding too?! Really gotta lay off the bottle this early in the morning dog.
EDITOR’S NOTE: We’ve never advocated DECREASING funding, just not increasing it when performance is stagnant or declining. But as a teacher or administrator, that concept is obviously foreign to you.
But since you want to brag on how well our schools are doing, list five suburban high schools that Maine South is ranked above that you want to brag about.
Highest ranked k-8!school in norridge is in 500 rank. Others 1000. Des planes worst. Again the rankings you hold so dear don’t support your statements. I’ll send glen view next. More in line with park ridge according to rankings you soon love.
EDITOR’S NOTE: You must be a D-64 grad as well as a teacher, because our statement was “Seems like we are “inching” more toward Norridge and Des Plaines” instead of toward Hinsdale – not that D-64 was as poor as Norridge’s or Des Plaines’ schools. But you knew that, didn’t you?
Northbrook and glenview have similarly or worse ranked grammar/ middle schools than park ridge
Last time I checked that wasn’t downstate nor is norridge des plsines niles Morton grove etc.
You say “teaching to the child and not the test” is hooey when people attack the sun times rankings as giving limited info yet now that those rankings show park ridge schools in top 4 percent you throw in your own hooey about down state school etc. convenient. Just ask your landlord for lower rent and leave the schools that attack young families willing to build bigger homes and increase tax base alone. Defund our school and we will be become like those downstate cities that spend half what we do on education. Ain’t alot if McMansions being built in those towns eh?
EDITOR’S NOTE: One Northbrook school? Seriously?
“Defund our school”? Seriously?
It must really be terrifying for you to think about the possibility of actually having to produce results instead of just collecting an ever-increasing check for your teaching (or administrating).
Here is the list of Joe Walsh endorsed candidates !
Jill Dolan for d207 is listed. Tune into joe Walsh radio and listen if his views belong in park ridge.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Oh, THAT “Joe Walsh”! We’re not fans of his – just as we’re no fans of fiscally-irresponsible smoke-blowers like Sean Sullivan and Paula Besler who apparently live in “Pleasantville” and think D-207 is doing a great job under their leadership.
Three more northbrook schools
Closer in rankings to park ridge than the 500 and 1000 rank norridge. Guess we are inching towards glenview Northbroo not norridge or des plsines or will you finally admit the rankings give limited info.
Btw. Last time I checked northbrook and glen view were not war zones or downstate.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The problem is that D-64 isn’t “inching” TOWARD them.
And if you can’t find the “war zones,” just drive around the west side of Chicago around 10:00 p.m. this evening and they’ll find you.
C’mon, teach/admin, name five high schools that Maine South is ranked above that you think give Maine South bragging rights – or five school districts ranked below D-64 that give it bragging rights.
Yes that joe Walsh. Same one that endorsed mark eggemann wife
EDITOR’S NOTE: We’re no Joe Walsh fans, but we’d take his endorsement over a PREA or MTA one – or the endorsement of false-flag “Republicans” like Bobby Pro, Carol Teschky and all those other Maine Twp. RINOS – any day.
Here is your listing of more than 5 high schools. All ones ranked below Maine south
Curiously dog not one is in the racist “war zone” term you use.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Oh, so geography is now “racist”? How progressive of you, teach.
We’re sorry, but we meant SUBURBAN schools – as we stated in our Editor’s Note to your 10:50 am comment.
As for school district ranking. Pr 64 ranked about Northbrook libertiville and others
EDITOR’S NOTE: That’s another obviously bogus apples-to-watermelons ranking, since it lumps high schools and elementary schools together. That’s garbage in, garbage out.
Click cook county tab it won’t l no directly. You will see Maine south ranked number 6 in cook county suburbs.
EDITOR’S NOTE: But that’s from Chicago Mag 2012, using 2010-11 data; and it also didn’t figure into the same ranking schools from communities like Hinsdale, Elmhurst, Deerfield, Highland Park, etc. that aren’t in Cook County but provide choices to people looking to live in the greater Chicagoland metro area.
In case you are too lazy to click the Chicago mag cook county tab
1 Glenbrook North High School Northbrook (225) 2,123 5.6 $11,224 98.2 26.3 86.4
2 New Trier Township High School Winnetka (203) 3,097 3.9 $12,043 96.3 27.5 89.8
3 Prospect High School Mount Prospect (214) 2,161 8.4 $10,515 96.1 25.2 79.4
4 Glenbrook South High School Glenview (225) 2,639 18.1 $11,224 97.9 24.7 75
5 John Hersey High School Arlington Heights (214) 2,056 11.1 $10,515 95.4 25.2 78
6 Maine South High School Park Ridge (207) 2,596 7.7 $11,364 93.3 25 78.3
7 William Fremd High School Palatine (211) 2,876 11.3 $9,263 95.8 24.8 76.4
8 Buffalo Grove High School Buffalo Grove (214) 2,125 16.1 $10,515 96.6 23.4 65
9 Riverside Brookfield High School Riverside (208) 1,440 17.5 $10,117 94.7 23.3 76
10 Oak Park and River Forest High School Oak Park (200) 3,241 20.3 $10,600 94 24.1 69.9
11 James B. Conant High School Hoffman Estates (211) 2,424 19.5 $9,263 98.1 22.9 69.8
12 Carl Sandburg High School Orland Park (230) 3,599 7.1 $8,102 96.8 23 70.5
13 Lyons Township High School La Grange (204) 3,885 13 $9,452 89.8 24.1 73
14 Proviso Math and Science Academy Forest Park (209) 769 45.3 $7,583 100 21.5 72.2
15 Lemont High School Lemont (210) 1,485 6.4 $8,693 91.2 23 71.8
16 Victor J. Andrew High School Orland Hills (230) 2,288 9.6 $8,102 95.8 22.8 68.2
17 Niles West High School Skokie (219) 2,560 30.1 $12,563 91.1 21.9 63.8
18 Niles North High School Skokie (219) 2,170 31.6 $12,563 90 22.2 62.6
19 Schaumburg High School Schaumburg (211) 2,486 26.3 $9,263 95.6 21.9 62
20 Amos Alonzo Stagg High School Palos Hills (230) 2,516 22.9
EDITOR’S NOTE: Once again you fail to mention that ranking is from 2010-11, and doesn’t rank the collar county schools together – so it’s difficult/impossible to compare MS to schools from Hindale, Elmhurst, Deerfield, Highland Park etc. that are non-Cook suburban. And although Maine South WAS ranked 6th based by that 2010-11 data, of the Top 20 Cook schools only New Trier and the two Niles high schools spent more per pupil than MS, which also spent more than those DuPage and Lake schools we mentioned.
A more recent (by 3 years) analysis is U.S. News & World’s, , where MS ranks 27th (behind 8 CPS “selective” schools and 18 non-selective suburban schools) in “College Readiness” – even though it has the LOWEST student/teacher ratio (13/1) of any of the schools above it or below it until you get to Niles North at No. 50.
That would explain the overpriced/underperforming problem.
I’m struck by the direct relationship between pro-spending sentiment and anti-proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. If this is what money does for education, or if these are the people to whom we’re entrusting that money, then there’s a real problem in the public schools.
“Must of”? Really, Anon at 10:50 a.m. — don’t you know enough to write “must have”? And Bd Member Parent Teacher Liberal, don’t you know “Alot” is actually two words?
Keep commenting, and digging yourself into a deeper hole.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Hey, FWT, go easy on him/her: when you’re a PREA or MTA teacher, there’s no accountability for such pedestrian things as proper grammar and spelling.
The funny thing is they know this (the far right Joe Walsh stuff) is a negative or why would they hide it?? Just take a look at Eggemann’s website.
His wife is never even mentioned. The only evidence is “Friends of Char” in small print on the bottom. In “About Mark” he mentions his three sons and his school history but his wife is never even mentioned, let alone a picture. Meanwhile when she ran you had whole family photo. Why would you mention your three kids but never even mention your wife……unless you made the decision not to.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Perhaps you missed the articles in the local papers about this race, none of which identified any candidate’s wife – thereby conveniently ignoring Bublitz’s barrel of potential conflicts arising from his wife’s employment as a D-64 teacher.
Gene Spanos, your speculations add nothing to the conversation. it’s always the same thing: Joe Walsh… Mtrrp…pirates… Susan….goppers…. Just stop, because it takes away from the substantive conversation on this blog. We don’t need Moylan talking points about our schools and property taxes.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Hey, there are a number of folks besides Mr. Spanos – including all the PREA and MTA fanatics and our current and former school board members – who are happy to sling the same irrelevant mud to distract the simple minded from asking why the taxpayers are paying more for less.
5th ward taxpayer. I went to one if those down state schools that spend little on education (if dog had his way PR would spend just as little) dog thinks makes up 96 percent of Illinois / even though Chicago has a population as large as all of downstate. 8 mill in th chi metro area yet somehow dog and his koolaid drinkers on here think Maine south being in top 4 percent statewide has to do with the lil over 3 million down state.
I would like the next generation not to have to struggle with spelling like I do that is why we need to support our schools and not elect fear mongers whose only goal is to lower their tax bill. If school do not maintain the level of resources extracurriculars facilities support staff that make our town attractive to up and coming McMansion building younger professionals that keep our tax base funding we will all start to lose value in our property – oh but if that happens you dog koolaid drinkers wil get your wish your property tax will go down. BRAVO. Follow mr renter on his crusade to lower his taxes who will support joe Walsh Rush Limbaugh loving fanatics.
Btw if I didn’t have to keep typing on this tiny device to avoid dog from tracing my ip (he likes to discover and record such things like tricky dicky did – but while he wants others to reveal themselves he refuses to reveal his “elves” behind this blog) my stupid auto correct would stop changing my words
Excoose tiepoes- typed on a mobile deevice
EDITOR’S NOTE: This blog’s goal has never been to LOWER any tax bill – just to help the taxpayers get full VALUE for their forced “investments,” a goal clearly not on your agenda or on those of the PREA, the MTA, and our school board members.
And the further our schools slide down the ranking scale, the more of those “up and coming McMansion building younger professionals” will be picking other communities to build their McMansions.
Mark Eggemann handed out thousands of flyers with his wife’s name and picture on them, and I’ve seen her walking door to door for Mark. She knocked on my door! Yep, he’s trying to ‘hide’ her, alright!
EDITOR’S NOTE: Of course…hiding in plain sight.
dog, who is ‘Educate! Park Ridge’. they put a political ad in the paper that is a fake sample ballot. don’t they have to say who paid for the ad?
EDITOR’S NOTE: Not necessarily. But why do you care?
Dear 8th Ward Taxpayer:
If I understand correctly, you “struggle with spelling” because of inadequate school funding?
I don’t see any “fear mongers” running in this school board election. None of the candidates has talked about cutting taxes or school funding.
The rest of your comment is hard to follow, not just from your poor writing skills, but your poor logical ability.
I have debated over commenting on this blog…going back and forth for some time now. I am in a unique position of being a former teacher and being a Park Ridge resident. I pay a high Park Ridge tax bill. Even after I fight my taxes, I fear that I at best I put the money off on someone else.
When I became a teacher, I taught for 32 years. My father was not happy. He wanted me to become a doctor or a lawyer. Teaching is not a “get rich” profession. I made a decent salary…and Park Ridge teachers are paid well…but well does not mean rich. It didn’t even mean my wife was able to stay home and raise our boys. She had to work full time too. You paint PREA out to be a “puppet master”….which nothing can be further from the truth. PREA is like many worker unions…watching out for its members, dealing with facility issues at each building, and trying to figure out the best ways to help educate D64 students. Contracts are a part of that…but a very small
part. PREA literally has no pull on anyone. They have no grand plan to sway votes or strong arm tactics. To think that a plan of that nature exists is laughable.
You attack Greg Bublitz for being in education and having a wife who is a D64 educator. Why wouldn’t a board benefit from someone who has an education background, just as much as benefiting from a person with a finance background? Wouldn’t his knowledge help board members without an educational background understand aspects of a school district better? Many districts, including Glenview’s has an educator on their board.
Park Ridge also has issues that as a district it must deal with. Park Ridge has a much higher English as a second language population…which does NOT mean anything in regards to intelligence, but does take time for those students to adjust. Also…Maine South is in the top 20 high schools in the state of Illinois (US News)….and to think that D64 doesn’t have anything to do with that is ridiculous.
One of the biggest switches D64 has done is gone away from hiring new teachers with master degrees. Obviously teachers with master degrees are paid higher, but also have more training.
Civic duty and being actively involved is important…but so is trying to see the big picture and where to “go from here”.
EDITOR’S NOTE: You say that you’re “a former teacher…a Park Ridge resident…[and] pay a high Park Ridge tax bill.” Thanks to the cloak of anonymity you choose, however, we can’t tell – you could be a current teacher living in a one-BR condo and paying some of the lowest Park Ridge taxes. But we’ll accept your story for purposes of this comment.
Thirty-two years ago teaching WASN’T a “get rich” job: it NEVER was “a profession” – although you’re calling it that gives support to our suspicion that you’re a CURRENT teacher. As does your defense of the PREA, because true “professions” aren’t unionized.
The reason the D-64 Board wouldn’t “benefit” from having a teacher/administrator on it is the same reason an asylum doesn’t benefit from having the inmates run it. D-64 pays its teachers a bundle, and its administrators as much or more. THEY’RE the ones who are supposed to provide the understanding of the school district, while the Board members are supposed to provide the checks and balances on those employees.
No, Maine South is NOT “top 20” in the state, according to the most recent U.S. News ratings: it’s 27th. And for all we can tell, D-64 students might just as likely be responsible for that decline while students from Park Ridge’s parochial schools might be the ones keeping it from declining even further. But if D-64 or Maine South want to blame their underperformance in the rankings on their ESL population, let them say so! Because if they don’t, we have every right to assume that’s not the problem.
We’ve spent years exposing “the big picture,” one piece at a time – which is why we keep calling out the continuing decline/underperformance of our local schools vis-à-vis other affluent communities.
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